Lennox house

She flogged them for a minute or two until they were red and bruised and covered in welts. Then she dragged Ángela by the ankles to the middle of the room.
“Push your butt up off the ground, bitch! Like a crab! And don’t let it touch the ground!”
Ángela obeyed. She was terrified. Her vulva was the highest part of her body now, she realized. It was exposed, open and defenseless…
The Major flogged Ángela’s cunt and got hornier and hornier as she flogged it. Then she lifted her own skirt and Ángela saw that she had no underwear on. The Major carried on flogging, but now she was masturbating as well.
Ángela quickly lost strength from the effort of keeping her buttocks off the ground and when there was a very painful whiplash on her open vulva she jerked and her bottom touched the ground.
The Major suddenly stopped.
“Lift your butt, you dumb bitch!” she shouted. Ángela pushed her bottom up again. This time the Major turned the whip round and hit her on the cunt with the handle…