Hair torment

The organizers of “Threes” set up clubs for different interest groups. One of these was called the Hair Club. They also offered their premises online for hire by anyone who wanted somewhere to go for a fuck, and if the customer had no partner, they provided one or two at a price.
Dan Jenkins, a local insurance salesman, was a good customer. He always dressed up in shiny boots for his sessions. He liked to keep a friend of his, a large-breasted blonde, suspended from a hook on the wall while he fucked another woman. He was surprised and pleased when he saw the woman the club had provided for him. It was his boss’s wife!
“The way I see it, bitch, your husband owes me a pay hike or two! Until I get it, I’m taking it in fucks! Understand?”
The wife tried to nod, but it was impossible.
“You look good like that, bitch! With your hair up, I mean! Women should look a man in the eye when they get fucked! A lot of them don’t do that! Especially when they ride a man they look to one side! That’s wrong, bitch!”