Slave of war

But the BDSM went far beyond … the Multiplier deconstructed the very molecular building blocks of the universe and accelerated them beyond the speed of light. Streams of electrons, protons, quarks and other particles of the same molecules circled the giant 2-mile magnatronic tunnel which surrounded the facility in an endless circle. Soon the facility was researching more than these elementary particles, since at the speed of light these particles began to interact with time itself.
And on November 11, 2021, the 48 men and 26 women who staffed the B.D.S.M. facility had created racing quantum streams – ribbons of time! For weeks the facility logged and studied the phenomenon as each ribbon seemed to showcase a view into a different timeline – some the recent present and some far past, some unrecognizable as our own human history. They marveled at these fleeting windows into dimensional time and were befuddled as to why none of the streams showed the future?
The accident happened just a month and half later. On January 1, 2022, these carefully controlled ribbons of pure time crossed, violently intertwining. The resulting explosion charred 4 square miles of earth, vaporizing several hundred local citizens and leaving homes and businesses heaps of smoldering debris – outside the perimeter magnatronic track. But inside the track, where the facility had once stood, searchers and rescuers found only undisturbed forest and lush pastures. Birds and other wildlife roamed the space as if it been undisturbed by humans for 100 years. The facility had disappeared leaving no sign of the huge structure nor its inhabitants.